
Art your mind with this amazing journey!

Every art, whether good or bad is a part of literature. So why delay to exhibit it? That’s the process of learning and improving which gets greater with mistakes. This is a platform with our profound mind to pen our art.

Oh there’s a question for you!
Does your pen art or your mind arts your pen?

We know there are various form of art for the expression of human creative skill and imagination through the medium of bodily expression and other through your mind! The beauty of art like painting, dance are beautified in the vision of the beholder; but beauty sensed by mind can’t be other than literature!
I chose my pen to beautify my art for the beholder to visualise behind the curtains of his/her eyes.

Pen is that tool which breaches your art into the living generation.

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What are you waiting for? Grab your pen and art your mind. Let’s explore together.