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The Scarlet Letter as a Symbolic Novel

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A symbol is something used to stand for something else. A symbol is often a concrete object used to represent an abstract idea having a broader meaning which is often moral, religious or philosophical. Nathaniel Hawthorne who is considered one of the most prolific symbolizes in American literature, had the perfect atmosphere for shedding light into The Scarlet Letter as a symbolic novel, with profound instrumental use of symbols. It is because the Puritans viewed the world through allegory.

The Scarlet Letter as a Symbolic Novel

The fallen woman or the woman with pride

Some of Hawthorne’s symbols change their meaning depending on the context and some remains static. His characters, the scarlet A, light and color, as well as the setting too serve symbolic purposes. The way the characters are named carry symbolic significance. Hester Prynne is a fallen woman for the puritan society, who is condemned for her immoral choice. She is a public sinner who bore a child outside marriage. She had to wear the scarlet A on her bosom, signifying her deed for the rest of her life. When the town fathers were considering to let Hester remove the letter, she reacts with dismay. Nevertheless, removing the letter would be an acknowledgement of society’s power over her: which would mean disgrace for her. Indeed The scarlet letter is a symbol of her own experiences and character. Her past sin is a part of who she is, which she never denies. 

The sound “Prynne” signifies “prime”. Hawthorne resembles her as “Hester Prime”, which means the most supreme. She twinkles in the dark and through her silence gained supreme dignity and recognition. She has her stand throughout and lived with her own choice by going against the puritan society by silently establishing her own individuality. She’s aware of herself, her aim, love and how to respect and be a mother. Unlike Dimmesdale, she’s truly a dignified and morally strong and steady human being rather than solely being a woman.


1.1 The living version of the scarlet letter

Pearl is a precious thing which is the lifeline of a shell and when the pearl is taken off the shell, it dies. Similarly, in The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s daughter is very precious for her. She is the symbol of an act of love and passion between Hester and Dimmesdale, however, the result of sexual sin for the community. She functions as the reminder of Hester’s passion as well as the outcome for which Hester is punished. Reflecting The Scarlet letter as a symbolic novel, Pearl is the living version of the scarlet letter. Yet, Pearl is glorious, wild and brilliant, just like how her mother used to be. Her name well aligns with personality that she holds.

1.2 The symbol of vice

Roger Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, is the symbol of a life consumed by desire for revenge. His name holds the symbolic meaning of the character’s wickedness. Chillingworth is cold and inhuman brings “chill” to Hester and Dimmesdale’s’ life. If we breakdown his name Chillingworth as “chill and ‘’worth”, it means he is too cold to be worthy. He disguises himself as a physician while plotting revenge and psychologically tormented Dimmesdale constantly. His aim was to suck out everything without anyone’s knowledge like a pure signification of a “Leech”.

1.3 Saint or Faint-hearted?

Arthur Dimmesdale is a young minister and the father of the living version of the scarlet letter. Firstly, Arthur is similar to “author”, which indicates that he is a man of profound learning. He is an ordained Puritan minister, well educated and no doubt devoted to God. People seek him for guidance and direction. However, the major flaw in his personality is of the symbolic nature of his name “Dimmesdale”, which suggests “dimness”-weakness, lack of insight and will, indeterminacy. His inner world is dim-hopeless. He has to hide his deep love for Hester and Pearl. Due to his moral weakness, he lacked the courage to publicly confess his sin.

The letter ‘A’

The Scarlet letter ‘A’ itself is the greatest symbol which upholds various meanings depending on the context. It is a sign of adultery and penance. The scarlet letter was meant to be a symbol of shame, but it became a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. Her profound inner strength, defiance of convention, her honesty and compassion had been thriving in her character all through, however, the scarlet letter brings them to our attention. Hester had been considered a fallen woman in her society but later she had been known as a familiar face and visitor in homes of pain and sorrow, reforming the letter ‘A’ as “able”. In the final years, the scarlet letter ceased to act as the stigma which drew the world’s scorn upon her.

The Scarlet Letter as a Symbolic Novel

The meteor that traces out an ‘A’ in the night sky, implies for Dimmesdale that he should he should also wear the mark of shame like Hester. But to the community, it stands for “Angel”, marking Governor Winthrop’s entry to Heaven. Hence, such instances clearly signify The Scarlet Letter as a symbolic novel. 

Color and nature as symbols

Light and darkness, noon and midnight, colors- red, grey and black are all manifestations of the same image carrying symbolic nature. Scarlet means bright crimson red. Hawthorne uses the color red as it signifies youth, revolt and high personality. Moreover, Hester even dresses Pearl in Red or golden or a combination of both. 

Noon is the time of Dimmesdale’s confession and daylight is the symbol of exposure. He stands at the scaffold at midnight, concealing his confession from the community, signifying darkness as the symbol of concealment. Hester and Dimmesdale meet in the forest with a “gray expanse of cloud”, weighed by their guilt reflecting in the darkness of nature. Even the setting aid in signifying The Scarlet Letter as a symbolic novel.


The Scarlet Letter is considered a masterpiece and it is definitely a symbolic novel due to the way Hawthorne introduced the symbols and changed them throughout according to the context. Even the names of the characters carry symbolic interpretation, synchronizing with their personality and inner world.

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