
Dover Beach By Matthew Arnold

Every writer of different period, pens down for a motive, to fulfill a purpose and nonetheless it has some message to provide about that era. Just as how we get an insight into the hollowness of 14th century by going through Goeffrey Chaucer‘s The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, we get to feel the melancholy […]


Orature and Things Fall Apart

Orature refers to the oral form of literature where stories, fables, songs etc., are told orally. The preliterate society had no written literary document, but these did not make their rich culture stay mute. They too had events of joy and sorrow, victory and loss, heroism, and patriotism. These events were passed down orally as […]


What is Literature

Introduction Every language, culture or community either minor or major, has its own unique literature type. This can be either in oral or written form. To think in general one may ask, What is literature? Well the term literature may have various meanings. These meanings vary from person to person and their perspective. However, the […]


Characteristics of Tennyson’s Poetry

To be acquainted with Victorian era, you must be aware about the characteristics of Tennyson’s poetry. Every writer of different period, pens down for a motive, to fulfill a purpose and nonetheless it has some message to provide about that era. Lord Alfred Tennyson, Matthew Arnold and Robert Browning were contemporary Victorian writers. Though Robert […]


Racism in The Bluest Eye

Racism! Racism in The Bluest Eye! A sensitive issue, more or less which is prevalent all over the world. It is discrimination, prejudice against individuals on the basis of their skin color – considering black people as inferior and typically marginalized according to the white standards of beauty. Basically which is racialization of image of beauty […]


Festivals in Bangladesh

“Festivals in Bangladesh” -can be described in a line, Baro Mashe Tero Parbon (বার মাসে তের পার্বণ). Literally that means thirteen festivals in twelve months. Bengalis are fond of festivals. They just need an occasion to celebrate. They enjoy every portion of any festival at the highest level.  Festivals in Bangladesh Bangladesh is full of […]


The Waste Land as a Representation of Modern World

The Waste Land as a representation of modern world, is the most suggestive and discussed poem of T.S. Eliot. The poem illustrates the complexity and machine-like activity of modern man in comparison to the glorious past of spiritual and moral highness. The theme of the poem is the disillusionment of the post-war generation. T.S. Eliot […]